Febrile Temperature Critically Controls the Differentiation and Pathogenicity of T Helper 17 Cells

  1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2020.01.006


  1. Febrile temperature change modulates CD4 T cell differentiation via a TRPV channel-regulated Notch-dependent pathway


Since fever is frequently a response to infection, immune responses likely occur commonly at fever temperatures. Are fever temperatures detected by immune cells, what molecular pathways are involved in this sensing, and what are the functional consequences? Our data show that CD4 T lymphocytes detect moderate fever temperature. A TRPV channel-mediated pathway involving Notch activation leads to a Th2 skewing of the effector T cell response. However, the antigen presenting dendritic cells that stimulate CD4 T cells, in turn, detect fever temperature and overproduce interleukin-12 to counter this Th2 skewing. The evolutionary genesis of these pathways and the functional consequences of this complex regulatory loop in specific infectious circumstances are, thus, likely to be of great interest.

  1. Metabolic control of TH17 and induced Treg cell balance by an epigenetic mechanism

In summary, we have shown that increased transamination via GOT1 leads to a much greater accumulation of 2-HG in differentiating TH17 cells than in iTreg cells, and this promoted the methylation of the Foxp3 gene locus and silenced Foxp3 gene expression. Notably, we found that 2-HG levels in differentiating TH17 cells (for example, 0.1–0.4 mM) were much lower than that in human cancer cells containing IDH1 and IDH2 mutations (≥1 mM). Nonetheless, endogenous 2-HG accumulations under TH17 conditions and experiments with exogenously added 2-HG in TH17 cell culture correlate well with hypermethylation of the Foxp3 gene locus and reduced mRNA and protein levels of FOXP3 in fully differentiated TH17 cells, suggesting that different cell types may exhibit differential sensitivity to 2-HG levels. Manipulating a single step in a glutamate metabolic pathway could change TH17 cell fate by affecting methylation of the Foxp3 gene locus, and ameliorate mouse EAE disease by regulating the TH17 and iTreg cell balance, highlighting the importance of cellular metabolism in the determination of T-cell fate.