Alexander Rudensky: Recent Publications

Jacobsen JT, Hu W, R Castro TB, Solem S, Galante A, Lin Z, Allon SJ, Mesin L, Bilate AM, Schiepers A, Shalek AK, Rudensky AY, Victora GD. (2021) Expression of Foxp3 by T follicular helper cells in end-stage germinal centers. Science. 373(6552):eabe5146.

Hu W, Wang ZM, Feng Y, Schizas M, Hoyos BE, van der Veeken J, Verter JG, Bou-Puerto R, Rudensky AY. (2021) Regulatory T cells function in established systemic inflammation and reverse fatal autoimmunity. Nat Immunol. 22(9):1163-1174.

Wong HS, Park K, Gola A, Baptista AP, Miller CH, Deep D, Lou M, Boyd LF, Rudensky AY, Savage PA, Altan-Bonnet G, Tsang JS, Germain RN. (2021) A local regulatory T cell feedback circuit maintains immune homeostasis by pruning self-activated T cells. Cell. 184(15):3981-3997.e22.

Mendoza A, Yewdell WT, Hoyos B, Schizas M, Bou-Puerto R, Michaels AJ, Brown CC, Chaudhuri J, Rudensky AY. (2021) Assembly of a spatial circuit of T-bet-expressing T and B lymphocytes is required for antiviral humoral immunity. Sci Immunol. 2021 6(60):eabi4710.

Pritykin Y, van der Veeken J, Pine AR, Zhong Y, Sahin M, Mazutis L, Pe’er D, Rudensky AY, Leslie CS. (2021) A unified atlas of CD8 T cell dysfunctional states in cancer and infection. Mol Cell. 81(11):2477-2493.e10.

Dikiy S, Li J, Bai L, Jiang M, Janke L, Zong X, Hao X, Hoyos B, Wang ZM, Xu B, Fan Y, Rudensky AY, Feng Y. (2021) A distal Foxp3 enhancer enables interleukin-2 dependent thymic Treg cell lineage commitment for robust immune tolerance. Immunity. 54(5):931-946.e11.

Zeis P, Lian M, Fan X, Herman JS, Hernandez DC, Gentek R, Elias S, Symowski C, Knöpper K, Peltokangas N, Friedrich C, Doucet-Ladeveze R, Kabat AM, Locksley RM, Voehringer D, Bajenoff M, Rudensky AY, Romagnani C, Grün D, Gasteiger G. (2020) In Situ Maturation and Tissue Adaptation of Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Progenitors. Immunity. 53(4):775-792.e9.

Hemmers S, Schizas M, Rudensky AY. (2021) T reg cell-intrinsic requirements for ST2 signaling in health and neuroinflammation. J Exp Med. 218(2):e20201234.

Michaels AJ, Campbell C, Bou-Puerto R, Rudensky AY. (2021) Nuclear receptor LXRβ controls fitness and functionality of activated T cells. J Exp Med.218(4):e20201311.

Brown CC, Rudensky AY. (2021) Conceiving the Inconceivable: The Function of Aire in Immune Tolerance to Peripheral Tissue-Restricted Antigens in the Thymus. J Immunol. 206(2):245-247.

Campbell C, Rudensky AY. (2021) Immunotherapy breaches low-sugar dieting of tumor Treg cells. Cell Metab. 33(5):851-852.

Campbell C, Marchildon F, Michaels AJ, Takemoto N, van der Veeken J, Schizas M, Pritykin Y, Leslie CS, Intlekofer AM, Cohen P, Rudensky AY. (2020) FXR mediates T cell-intrinsic responses to reduced feeding during infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117(52):33446-33454.

Wong HS, Park K, Gola A, Baptista AP, Miller CH, Deep D, Lou M, Boyd LF, Rudensky AY, Savage PA, Altan-Bonnet G, Tsang JS, Germain RN. (2021) A local regulatory T cell feedback circuit maintains immune homeostasis by pruning self-activated T cells. Cell. 184(15):3981-3997.e22.

Niec RE, Rudensky AY, Fuchs E. (2021) Inflammatory adaptation in barrier tissues. Cell.184(13):3361-3375.

Pritykin Y, van der Veeken J, Pine AR, Zhong Y, Sahin M, Mazutis L, Pe’er D, Rudensky AY, Leslie CS. (2021) A unified atlas of CD8 T cell dysfunctional states in cancer and infection. Mol Cell. 81(11):2477-2493.e10.

Mendoza A, Yewdell WT, Hoyos B, Schizas M, Bou-Puerto R, Michaels AJ, Brown CC, Chaudhuri J, Rudensky AY. (2021) Assembly of a spatial circuit of T-bet-expressing T and B lymphocytes is required for antiviral humoral immunity. Sci Immunol. 6(60):eabi4710.

van der Veeken J, Glasner A, Zhong Y, Hu W, Wang ZM, Bou-Puerto R, Charbonnier LM, Chatila TA, Leslie CS, Rudensky AY. (2020) The Transcription Factor Foxp3 Shapes Regulatory T Cell Identity by Tuning the Activity of trans-Acting Intermediaries. 53(5):971-984.e5.

Ramsdell F, Rudensky AY. (2020) Foxp3: a genetic foundation for regulatory T cell differentiation and function. Nat Immunol. 21(7):708-709.

Campbell C, McKenney PT, Konstantinovsky D, Isaeva OI, Schizas M, Verter J, Mai C, Jin WB, Guo CJ, Violante S, Ramos RJ, Cross JR, Kadaveru K, Hambor J, Rudensky AY. (2020) Bacterial metabolism of bile acids promotes generation of peripheral regulatory T cells. Nature. 581(7809):475-479.